Meet José, the Beautiful Brain

Hi, my name is José, and I am Beautiful Brain's founder.

I live in Porto, Portugal, with my wife and toddler son, after having lived and worked across four continents and visited more than 50 countries.

I have worked in tech and product management for the past 10 years and started a new journey as independent in 2022.

Read My STORy
my story

For the past eleven years, my wife has called me the "Beautiful Brain."

My wife would call me that because she noticed I have a different way of thinking that could solve problems in a unique way.

This was also a common way co-workers and managers described my skills, but I only started understanding why I was like that in my 30s. Despite those compliments, I always felt like I was underachieving because I would quickly lose interest when an idea would lose novelty.

After a major depression episode, and thanks to the help of therapy, I discovered that I had ADHD. This made me reflect and understand who I am, both reflecting myself and by asking for help from others.

I decided to break free from traditional corporate life and establish my path. I want to take control of my life to focus on my well-being first and foremost.

I learned that my value is not being an expert in a narrow field but rather my ability to bring a different perspective to any problem. Therefore, I read and learn daily about a variety of (politics, economics, and biology, among others) because I think that will help me become an overall thinker.

It took me 2+ years to break free from the norm, focus on what I value, and live a more authentic self. Now I want to help others.

My Values


Each individual is different and must first understand themselves to achieve their highest potential. Diverse teams allow us to capture the best of us all.


Lifelong learning

To stay relevant, you need to always be learning. I always aspire to keep a growth mindset, and spend at least 20% of my time learning new things.



Hedonic adaptation is real, so important to avoid the urge to get new things. I try to constantly remind myself of that and focus on experiences over stuff.



People do their best work if they can work where they perform the best. I believe remote and async will be the future of work and will allow more people to do their best work.

Work Experiences

Before I started Beautiful Brain:


Learned how to think and communicate clearly,  and 
how to ramp up fast in new industries, projects

columbia business school

Built global network and expanded my horizons

google logo

Learned what great people management is, leaned how big companies can get trapped in innovators dilemma


Learned how one of the top startups operates, and  how move really fast in validating your assumptions

sword logo

Learn how to build a product team and setup product funcion and working with CEO/Founder


Learned how to think and communicate clearly,  and how to ramp up fast in new industries and projects

Learned the basics of Software Engineering and made lifelong friends (MsC Software Engineering)

columbia business school

Immersed myself in multi cultural environment, developed a global network and expanded my horizons (MBA)

google logo

Learned the ropes of product management, and how large companies get trapped in innovator's dilemma


Learned how one of the top startups operates and  how to move really fast in validating your assumptions, built my first 0->1 product

sword logo

Learn how to build a product team and setup product functions in a hyper-growth startup while working with CEO/Founder